Ask P&P: Can confidence be learned?
Question: Can confidence be learned?
Answer: Absolutely! Confidence, like riding a bike, is a learned skill. It’s not something you either have or you don’t – it is a teachable skill.
We are all born with incredibly high self-esteem. As babies, we inherently believe that everyone loves us and wants to be our friend. We are trusting and full of optimism about the world.
But it’s as we grow and develop that our confidence tendencies either increase or decrease, as a result of our environment and upbringing. In many cases, that super confident person you see is a just a person who was fortunate enough to be raised in a way that made him or her highly confident in themselves and their abilities (2 Know Myself).
While it’s true that there is an inherent basis to certain elements of confidence – such as your biological behavior or parent-influenced predisposition to being more optimistic – confidence CAN be developed. To be clear: Your biology does NOT pre-determine your ability to master the skill of confidence (Psychology Today).
Even the most confident people in the world may have started off with low self-confidence, but as a result of their own decisions and hard work, transformed their confidence levels from the inside-out.
Whether you’re 2 or 92, you can improve your confidence skills at any age. As long as your brain has the capacity to learn, you can learn to become more confident.
So yes, confidence can be learned.
In a similar way, confidence can be taught also. Do you want to jump start your self-confidence journey? Take our #35DaysofConfidence Challenge!
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