4 Ways to Retrain Your Mindset for Success

I’ve been thinking a lot about the power of mindset, and I have seen the power of mindset firsthand for myself in the last couple of weeks. In my opinion,…

Ask P&P: Where Does Confidence Come From?

Where does confidence come from? I get this question a lot – both in person, via email, and I see it ALL over the place (you probably do too!) Because…

5 Power Poses to Kickstart Your Confidence

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past few years, you’ve probably heard about the idea of “power poses.” To put it simply, power poses are assumed body postures…

How to Get Out of a Funk

Normally, the word “funk” is awesome! Like, “play that funky music, white boy!” Or “we want the funk!” But sometimes “funk” means you’re stuck… You’re in a rut that you…

3 Ways to Fight Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever caught yourself thinking (or saying out loud) the words, “I don’t deserve this”? Or have you ever felt guilty for winning an award or receiving some sort…