Ready to seriously change your life?

This 10-week "bootcamp" program is for high-performing women who want to take back control of their life to reach new levels of personal and financial success.

Hey there, fellow high-performing boss-chick! Do you feel…

…Like a hamster on a hamster wheel, constantly going, going, going… but not getting anywhere or feeling like you’re not making any meaningful progress with your life and your impact? 

… SO overwhelmed with all the tasks and commitments that take up space and mental energy in your life. Every day is a struggle to get ALL the things done.

… Empty and unfulfilled because you know you should feel SO accomplished for all that do and have done… but it never seems like enough. You often times find yourself wondering “What’s the point?” or “So what?”

… Discouraged because you feel called to something greater in your life… but you have no idea how to get there (even if you had the time to try!) 

… Guilty because you know your relationships are suffering as a result of your busy-ness – because you don’t have the time or energy to devote to things that aren’t on your list. 

… A little lost. You’re lacking direction, meaning, and a sense of pride in your day-to-day life, and you feel like you’d be SO happy and successful if only you could manage your time better/get more things done/find a job that’s less stressful… and whatever else you think you NEED to do in order to feel happy.

I get it these feelings. I’ve HAD these feelings

Because I’ve been there too.

My name is Alyssa Austin, and just over 2 years ago, I was in your shoes.

From the outside, it looked like I had everything together. 

Like I had the perfect life…

  • I had a high-powered job as a Marketing Manager in an agency, working for a highly rewarding client to hit monthly 6-figure revenue goals.
  • I was leading a team and on track to hit Director within the next few years.
  • I was being compensated handsomely for my work, making $75-$90K a year, depending on bonuses.
  • I was engaged to a man I loved and was in the process of planning my WEDDING! – what should have been one of the happiest times in my life!
  • We had just bought our first house over a mile from the beach, the perfect spot to ride our beach cruisers and take our dog on daily bayside walks.
Happy Family

…But I was totally and completely lost in my life.

And more so – I was miserable. 

…I was overwhelmed, constantly anxious, and was having trouble sleeping. 

…I was spending 50+ hours a week at a job that caused me immeasurable stress, and that I could never fully detach from, and I was totally, completely burnt out. 

…I was in the midst of trying to pursue a professional acting career – a newly rediscovered passion that brought me INCREDIBLE joy – but I had to say “no” to opportunity after opportunity since I couldn’t step away from work, which left me feeling trapped and joyless. 

And most of all – I felt powerless and stuck. Because I was starting to realize that I was being called to something greater – to do something different with my life, with a focus on helping others and making an impact on the world around me. 

And I had no idea how to get there. 

…But I knew I had to figure it out. 

The Turning Point

And in late 2018, as I sat through the final days of my honeymoon, I was filled with a sense of dread to head back to my corporate job.

And it wasn’t the normal “Sunday Scaries” (or “Honeymoon Scaries,” if that’s a thing!)

It was something that totally and completely changed my life from that point forward.

I realized… that I wasn’t that person anymore.

I saw myself as someone different. My vision was so focused on a future of impact and fulfillment that I couldn’t go BACK to the person I was before. I had stepped into a NEW version of myself that I was falling in love with, and my old workplace and lifestyle didn’t fit that new version of myself and my life.

The key to it all – was choosing to create and step into an empowered version of my current self. 

You see, most people view themselves in a very powerless way – they have a very negative story about their life and their role in it.

And here’s a secret that I know VERY well now:

Your story about who you are and how you see yourself is generally a direct correlation to how you perform in the world, and how happy you are. 

In short: How you see yourself is how you act.

So if you want to change your life, you need to change your self-image from powerless to powerful.

You need to change your story. 

And see yourself not in your current circumstances, but from the circumstances you HOPE to have & how you WANT to be 

Before you can create the life you want, you have to get clear on who you want to become. 

The good news is… this is totally 100% possible, because it all happens in your MIND. This is what I realized in early 2018. 

Empowered YOU - Change Your Life with This 10 Week Bootcamp Program

So… I started doing the work.

I got honest about what I really wanted in my life…. So I could find and create success on my OWN terms (not according to someone else’s version of success).

I set specific, intentional, meaningful goals… So I had a clear roadmap to follow to the success I desired (and knew I was destined for!)

I created powerful habits of success (modeled after some of the world’s most successful people)… So I could make EACH day a good day through empowering, consistent routines.

I leveled up my mindset to stop the cycle of self-sabotaging my own success out of fear and resistance to change…So I could get out of my own way and step into the most empowered, successful version of myself.

I got laser-focused on what tactics and strategies would create the kind of financial success I wanted for myself, my future, and my family… So I could eliminate distractions and time-wasters that were keeping me from those levels of success and financial freedom.

Most of all, I took back control of my life… So I could live a life by design and not a life by default.

And the result?

In just over a year, my life has completely changed as a result of these shifts.

I’ve upleveled my mindset and mastered the art of thinking about the things I want (and attracting them into my life) ALL the time.

I “prioritize my priorities” on a daily basis, which has reduced my stress, anxiety, and perfectionist tendencies TENfold, and allows me to focus on spending my time where it matters – with my family and loved ones. 

I took back control of my time to accomplish a major life goal: writing and publishing my first book, “35 Days of Confidence,” which then became a best-seller on Amazon!

I launched my own empowerment & mentorship business to help OTHER high-performing women get crystal clear on who they are and want they want… and come up with a plan for fiercely pursuing those things.

Empowered YOU - Change Your Life with This 10 Week Transformational Bootcamp Program

I’ve created 6 income streams to help me reach new levels of financial freedom without constant work and worry.

I’m doing work that I absolutely love (and making more money than ever before!)

And most of all – I’ve proactively redefined my life and my version of success so it aligns with MY goals, desires, and values.

In my new mentorship program, 

“Empowered YOU,” I’m sharing exactly how I did it! 

The 10-week “bootcamp” program for busy, high-performing women ready to take their power BACK.

Empowered YOU

Here’s How The Program Works

Over the course of 10 weeks, you’ll get weekly video modules delivered to you that explain the exact framework you truly need to know to take back control of YOUR life and reach new levels of personal and financial success 

This step-by-step framework can be applied to ANY major life change, because the foundational elements are the same. Empowered YOU is built on my proprietary methodology of the 3 Pillars of Success. Each of these 3 elements are CRUCIAL for success from any change or transition period, and any transition, goal, or life change will require employment of these 3 elements:

  1. Mindset – Mastering Your Thoughts & Manifesting Your Vision 🧠
  2. Planning – Mapping the Path to Success 🏞
  3. Accountability – Become an Accountability Queen 👑

Without any one of these elements, success is impossible. The MOST confident and mentally strong person without a plan goes nowhere. The best laid plan without any form of accountability will inevitably fall by the wayside. Someone with the best business plan but no mental strength and confidence to believe they can achieve it will not succeed. 

…See what I mean? 

So if:

  • You feel like a supporting player in your own life right now (when you should be the star! 🌟).  Maybe you feel like you’re constantly answering to other people, responding to emails, taking care of tasks, and frankly your own well-being and interests have taken a backseat. And you’re ready to DO something about it. 
  • You are a recent college graduate and you have an idea of the field you want to work in, but you’re not sure how to get started in securing a job (if you’re NOT sure the field you want to work at send me an email here – I have a different program to help you find your passion and purpose).
  • You have your eye on a big promotion at work and need a tactical plan to highlight your impact, set you up for success, and position you as the obvious choice.
  • You have an idea for a business or are ready to start working for yourself and the fire 🔥 is there, but you’re lacking a proven framework or are not quite sure how to get going without wasting a lot of time (or money)
  • You are looking to make a BIG change in your life… But you need some support/guidance/tough love. 

…Then the framework in this program was MADE for you.

Here’s how we’ll go from powerless and unhappy to empowered and excited about life, in 10 weeks:

Week 1:
Who ARE You?
Redefining Your Self-Image

The majority of stress and strife in life comes from living out of harmony with our identity. Identity is POWER! In this lesson, we’ll:

  • Tap into the power of identity and authenticity to creating YOUR version of success.
  • Get honest about how you currently view yourself so you can level up your self-image be in alignment with the success you desire.
  • Recognize your unique talents and strengths so you can cultivate an appreciation of these qualities, improve your self-worth and confidence, and say goodbye to shame for not fitting into someone else’s standards.

Week 2:
What Do You Want? Clarify Your Vision to Create Success on YOUR Terms

The first step to getting what you want out of life is this: decide what you want. We’ll address the first of 2 major blocks that prevent success, and also:

  • Take the time to get REAL about what success means to you in EVERY area of your life so you can access the happiest, most holistic version of yourself.
  • Define what your ideal romantic relationship looks like (whether you’re single, married, or dating) so you can attract and manifest that perfect relationship in their life
  • Vocalize your ideal career and income situation so you can create specific goals and an actionable plan to bring that ideal income into your life.

Week 3:
Get Specific:
Setting Meaningful, Empowering Goals

Goals are the #1 determiner of ALL success in life. You need them (and they need to be SPECIFIC to you) to succeed. Together we’ll:

  • Create specific, actionable goals so you can become part of the 1% of Americans who HAVE written goals.
  • Discuss positive habits for setting and staying focused on your goals so you can 5X your chances of achievement and success! 
  • Come up with 3-5 actionable goals (with my help!) that will equate to success and a feeling of accomplishment when completed.

Week 4:
Making It Happen:
Creating a Foolproof Plan for Success

As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote, “A dream without a plan is just a wish.” We’ll create YOUR perfect plan together in this lesson. Together we’ll:

  • Craft a detailed, easy-to-follow plan that will allow you to achieve your goals with the least amount of resistance and most amount of ease and clarity.
  • Avoid negative patterns of self-sabotage from past efforts so you can get out of your own way and stop letting fear and doubt run your life. 
  • Recognize the productive role of control, and learn to detach from things you cannot control so you can decrease unnecessary sources of stress, anxiety, and worry in your life. 

Week 5:
Getting Crystal 🔮 Clear on Your Priorities & Values in Life

Many people go through life, without stopping to define themselves or take stock of their values and beliefs. This leads to confusion and, eventually, settling for less. In this lesson, we’ll

  • Get clear on what your biggest life priorities are so you can start living truthfully and authentically in alignment with them.
  • Gain an understanding of how to structure your days so that your are always prioritizing what’s most important to you (and experiencing less stress and guilt as a result).
  • Set clear boundaries in your work, relationships, and responsibilities so you can maintain a healthy headspace and emotional space, and give yourself the time and space you need to perform at your best.

Week 6:
Developing High-Performance Habits
for Success

Habits are the most powerful way to make positive change in your life… and make it consistently. This week we’re focusing on developing proactive habits, and together we’ll:

  • Identify existing rituals in your life to build your success upon.
  • Create new habits to keep you accountable to achieving your goals.
  • Develop your personal empowering morning routine, using my 4-part formula for the Perfect Morning Routine to start your day. 
  • Create consistent, repeatable, intuitive habits so you can maximize your daily output and triple their productivity in a meaningful way.

Week 7:
When the Sh*t Hits the Fan:
Adopting Agile, Reactive Habits

It’s crucial to have proactive habits and rituals to set you up for success in life – but it’s also crucial to have reactive go-to habits in place as well, for when you inevitably hit a bump in the road. In this lesson, we’ll:

  • Identify your “energizers” so you can understand what actions and events help you feel GOOD, motivated, and in a positive energy flow. 
  • Recognize your “de-motivators” so you can proactively avoid them, and deal with them confidently when they arise.
  • Discuss useful, productive ways to address setbacks, rejection, and “failure,” and come up with a “Sh*t Hit the Fan” Backup Plan to help you deal with ANYTHING.

Week 8:
Facing Your Devils:
Stop Screwing Yourself Over

What’s holding you back from stepping into the most empowered, successful version of yourself? Together we’ll address internal and external blocks, as well as: 

  • Recognize the “stories” you tell yourself so you can rewrite those stories and proactively change your path (one of the most powerful exercises I’ve ever created!)
  • Eliminate negative self-talk in your head (and in your speech) so you can cultivate a more positive, nurturing environment for growth and change in your life.
  • Create empowering affirmations so you can access the feel-good, motivational energy that these affirmations provide on a daily basis.

Week 9:
Take a Breath:
Making Stress & Anxiety Your B*tches

Stress and anxiety are two things we ALL have to deal with. It’s impossible to eliminate them, but it’s easy to control them with the right awareness and tactics.

Simplify your life and place more focus on the things that matter to you so you can experience reduced feelings of stress, anxiety and powerlessness. 

  • Stop people pleasing and create a better work-life balance so you can feel truly restored and rejuvenated in time away from work
  • Create MORE joy and less stress so you can consistently feel like the best version of yourself, vibrate high, and attract MORE goodness into your life.

Week 10:
The Ultimate Success Secret Weapon:
Becoming a Mindset Master

Can you change the way you think to subconsciously progress you towards success? You ABSOLUTELY can! We’ll discuss that and also:

  • Review the 3 major mindset shifts you need to make to take your power back (My favorite one? Shifting from “Owing” to “Owning” your own time and expectations).
  • Practice gratitude regularly and take stock of ALL you have to be grateful for so you can tap into the emotional, mental, and physical benefits of gratitude and live abundantly.
  • Learn to harness your emotions to assist with building resilience and managing stress. 

Real Success Strategies, Real Results

With these empowerment coaching tools, I’ve helped countless clients reach MAJOR milestones on the path to creating their dream lives & careers.

Whether you want to achieve:

A New Job...

A MAJOR Job Interview...

The Start of a New Chapter

Kathy Quote

Simply put: these success strategies WORK. 

If you feel like you’ve been spinning your wheels and not seeing the type of progress and success you want in your own life, no matter WHAT your goal is – these tactics will help you gain clarity and get there faster and with more ease than you could have ever imagined. 

Plus, my goal with EACH and every client I work you is not just to help you set and reach meaningful goals, but also to help you feel GREAT about yourself, PROUD of who you are (and the person you’re becoming), and develop the kind of true confidence and self-love that only comes from living 100% in alignment with your authentic self:

"I cannot express enough appreciation for Alyssa's guidance and overall caring. I truly enjoyed and looked forward to each weekly session. She was the voice that called me out and reminded me of all the positive things I deserved. She assured me I was doing enough for everyone else and it was time to take care of myself."
Bridget P.
San Diego, CA
“Alyssa has helped me tremendously with improving self-esteem, confidence, taking my power back and believing it myself again. She is humble in that she never goes on about herself unless it’s going to help me. She gives examples about her experiences too, which makes me feel validated. She also helps me with practical things as well. For example, time management, meaningful ways to start my morning, prioritizing what’s most important to me and to stick with it, and more! If you are a person struggling with life, or know someone who is, I highly recommend Alyssa Austin. She will talk with you first to get an idea about what it is you need from her and come up with a plan that you both agree upon.”
Carleen S.
San Diego, CA

Feeling Called to Join "Empowered YOU?"

To that I say: “YASSS!” Also: If you’ve ever wanted to work with me, I can promise you this is the BEST way to do it.

Not only is this program a culmination of EVERYTHING I’ve ever created – it’s a TRUE “bootcamp-style” masterclass on how to empower yourself and find success that you dream about – but it’s also highly affordable.

I normally charge upwards of $1500 for 10 weeks of 1:1 mentorship with me. 

However, since I’m premiering “Empowered YOU” and I want to make sure this first round of content is absolutely freaking AWESOME, I’m running this live round at a fraction of what I normally charge for coaching and mentorship….

Which means you can get in the door today for as low as $99!

Check out ALL payment options below.

I Want to Do This Program in a Group!
(Next Group Starts April 21, 2020)

I Want to Do This Program as a Self-Guided E-Course

And here’s the thing…

I designed this program to be able to help women struggling with their own feelings of self-worth, motivation, and personal success.

And I believe it’s for you – you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t think so, too! 

BUT, if I’m wrong, and Empowered YOU isn’t right for you… it’s all good.

I would never want you to invest your time and energy in something that didn’t feel 100% right. So if you enroll in Empowered YOU, and within the first 30 days, you’re just not feeling it?

You can “return” your purchase and my team and I will issue you a full refund.

Boom. Easy as that. 

So you don’t have to worry about making the wrong decision. Because ANY decision you make that help you become a better version of you is the right decision.

The best thing to invest in is yourself. 

And if for any reason after investing, you are second guessing yourself…. Just say the word and you can have that investment RIGHT back.

As my boy Cody Rigsby said in a Peloton workout I did last week (any other Peloton fans out there? 🙋🏻‍♀️): 

“You create who you want to be.”

The person who you DECIDE you are, determines your outlook. Determines your actions. Determines your life. 

So decide today – who do you want to be?

It’s NEVER too late to change your life in a big way.

I did it at age 30.

You can do it too.

And you don’t have to do it alone. 

If you feel called to start YOUR journey to a new, different-in-ALL-the-right-ways version of you, then I encourage you to enroll in Empowered YOU today.

I can’t wait to see you there! 

Empowered YOU

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