Does this sound familiar?

When someone asks you, “What do you do?” do you struggle to answer? (…or find yourself rambling on for minutes at a time?)

…Do you wonder what kind of impression your current website, resume, or social media profiles are giving off?

…Do you struggle to articulate all the different things you do, and how they translate to your unique value as an individual?

…Do you have trouble understanding how others see and perceive you?

…Do you feel like your lack of self-understanding and true self-connection leads to feelings of “impostorism” or “feeling fake?”

…Do you feel like your online presence or your current marketing strategy is confusing, cluttered, and unfocused?

…And most of all, do YOU feel like you don’t really know how to “sell” yourself in memorable way that others can easily understand & connect with?

If any of those questions hits home for you, then I’m so excited to share that I have recently opened a new arm of my coaching business that’s focused entirely on understanding & developing your unique personal brand.

Why Having a Clearly Defined Personal Brand Matters:

On average, you have about 3 seconds to make an impression the first time that you meet someone new.

…And this is normal! As human beings our natural inclination when we meet someone new is to try to figure them out as quickly as possible. We want to categorize them, identify them, and easily be able to give them a label that helps us understand who they are. 

So…what can you do about that? Well you can do two things:

1).  You can work to understand how others naturally perceive you and the impression that you naturally get off. (That’s the first step to eventually adjusting & controlling this impression).

2). You can decide for yourself how you want to be seen, and do the work you need to change or shape other peoples’ minds about you. You can empower yourself to proactively define YOUR personal brand.

Having a clearly defined personal brand – and one that feels authentic to YOU – is a total game-changer.

Whether you’re professional who is struggling to make a memorable impact in how you explain your strengths and value… 

Or maybe you’re a creative entrepreneur who’s seeking to carve out a unique niche that encompasses what you’re truly passionate about sharing with others, but can’t quite find the words…

Or you’re a multi-passionate individual who has so many different balls in the air that you can’t possibly think of a way to fit them all together in a way that makes sense and that people can understand (let alone YOU)…

OR you’re an actor or artist looking to acquire more jobs through a clear marketing and personal branding strategy…

Establishing a memorable personal brand (and branding strategy that you feel GREAT about) is the solution.

A memorable, authentic personal brand can change your life. 

Take it from me…

My Story

Up until early 2019, I deeply struggled to articulate who I was in a way that other people would understand. 

“Am I a life coach? Am I a career mentor? Am I a marketing manager? (That doesn’t feel right..) And how do I make that “make sense” with wanting to be an actor and performer? People aren’t going to understand what I’m trying to do…”

For so long, I defined myself by my job – my title at work – which was leading to some serious impostor syndrome, and disillusionment with my life.

…Because I wasn’t being true to myself. 

 I paid so much attention to what OTHER people were doing and I had zero focus on developing what felt right to me. 

It took me some time to realize though that when it comes to sharing your story with others, the only thing that matters is to create a story that makes sense to you. All you need to do is create that story in a way that’s authentic to you and then OWN it… and that makes it real and true.

Because here’s the facts: You can be more than one thing! You can BE an actor, and an entrepreneur, and a choreographer, and a marketing consultant, and WHATEVER you want! 

And when you CHOOSE to embrace that, instead of trying to fit into someone else’s version of success, you break the mold entirely and unlock a new level of memorability, connection, and ultimately success in the way that’s most meaningful to you. 

There is truly nothing more powerful than having a deep understanding of who you are and being able to strategically and clearly articulate that to others, whether it’s in your marketing materials, your Instagram posts, your personal website, or anything else that is a representation of you. You deserve to know who you are.

Alyssa Austin

So... I created a personal branding "bootcamp" to help motivated and multi-passionate professionals, artists, and entrepreneurs understand just that. Introducing...

Authentically YOU Branding Program

Why I Created This Branding Program

Since 2018, I’ve served my clients as a “Career Mentor” – helping ambitious women identify what makes them special, unique, and valuable, both in and out of the workplace.

I’ve helped these clients translate that understanding to create their own personal story, a story that runs through their application materials, makes them memorable in interviews, and unlocks a new level of confidence that only deep personal understanding and self-awareness can create.

I have LOVED serving my Career Coaching clients in this way. Nothing brings me greater joy than helping others discover their unique story, helping them realize that they are special, that they have their own unique set of skills, strengths, talents, gifts, aptitudes, and passions that only they can fully articulate in a way that makes sense to them.

Then in 2020, I started getting inquiries from many multi-passionate professionals who ALSO needed support with telling their story. And so I launched a new arm of my business:

To serve my fellow multi-passionate professionals, artists, and entrepreneurs in a similar way: as an authenticity-driven personal branding strategist & business coach. 

Whether it’s setting yourself up for success for your ideal next job, clearly defining your personal brand as an entrepreneur that creates authentic connection with your desired clients, or having transparency on your “type” and how you are perceived in the acting world…. your personal brand is your greatest tool for success. 

First Impression

Making a Memorable Impact

Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to help you understand exactly who you are and how you can share that with others in a way that’s meaningful and memorable?

(I mean, I would have KILLED for someone to have told me when I was getting serious about my acting career and trying to figure out how to be an entrepreneur in late 2018 that, “HERE’S how people understand you, and here’s how you should ‘sell yourself’ to really make an impact!”)

Unfortunately, it’s so hard to do this for ourselves! It’s hard to take an objective look at our accomplishments, our skills, our services, and everything that we do and come up with our OWN unique brand story.

And this is what I have seen time and time again in working with my career coaching clients. It takes a true outside perspective – an objective third party – to help us see ourselves as special, and articulate our unique value. 

Is This Branding Program for You?

By now you’re probably thinking… “Hm, I’m intrigued, but I’m wondering if this program will ‘work’ for me?”

So let me be frank with you: I designed this program for people like myself.

Multi-passionate professionals, who are creatively-driven with an entrepreneurial, ambitious spirit.

Women who are constantly juggling many different “roles” they fill in their life, who struggle with understanding how to unify those roles and find harmony between all these unique aspects of their lives. Women who are busy, and have aspirations of growing their income and business (whether that business is a service, a product, or their career)… but for whom, ultimately, their impact is the MOST important thing. 

…If you’re nodding your head right now, then I’d be willing to bet you are EXACTLY the type of person I created this program for, and I’d love to tell you more about it. 


How the Program Works

Think of this program as a personal branding “bootcamp.” After you sign up for this program, we’re going to meet once a week for five weeks in an intensive format.

Here’s what we’ll go through:

Week 1: “Gather & Assess” – Pinpointing Authenticity in Our Past & Present

We’ll start by gathering and assessing the information and the experiences that you’ve already had. Looking at your professional/career history, we’ll take stock of when you felt happiest, most fulfilled, in your ideal state, and build on those discoveries.

Week 2: “Who Am I & What Makes Me Special?” – Identity Deep Dive & Strength Finder Exploration

All major transitions need to start in the same place – in taking inventory of yourself and reconnecting with what makes you – YOU! When was the last time you sat down and reflected on your unique strengths, values, passions, and greatest accomplishments? We’ll do this together in this call, to help you build your personal brand from a place of utmost authenticity.

Week 3 :“What’s My Unique Story?” – Developing Your Mission, Vision, & Personal Story 

As Michelle Obama says, “Even when it’s not pretty or perfect. Even when it’s more real than you want it to be. Your story is what you have – what you will always have. It’s something to own.”

Whether you’re seeking a new job, building a business, or yearning to make a memorable impact – the most important tool you have is your STORY. It took me many years to realize that your story IS your brand. By developing your story, you will have a completely unique asset to translate to all aspects of your life, business, or career – and feel the empowering sense of unity and authenticity that comes from making those connections.

Together, we’ll develop your story, as well as your Mission, Vision, & Artistic Statement (if applicable), to give you a foundation for your personal brand, and the WHY that propels you forward.

Week 4: “How Do I Talk About Myself to Others?” – Crafting Your Personal Brand Guidelines

Using the information gleaned from our first 3 sessions, I will create the first draft of your new Personal Brand Guidelines, including:

  • Identifiers
  • Mission
  • Bio
  • Core Strengths
  • Taglines

We’ll review this draft together, allowing you the necessary time and space to “sit with” these brand elements to make sure they feel right to YOU. 

Week 5: “What is My Plan Moving Forward?” – Marketing & Online Presence Strategies to Own Your Story  

In Week 5, we’ll bring all your work together and craft your unique Marketing & Online Presence Strategy. We’ll review this strategy together and make sure you feel good about it – because your opinion on how you present yourself to the world (and feeling good about it) is ALL that matters. This final call with include presentation of:

  • Your personal website wireframe
  • Your suggested social media promotion strategy

At the end of our last call, and the delivery of final materials, you will have ALL the tools you need to own and promote your new authentic personal brand.

In addition to the 5 working 1:1 sessions with me you’ll also receive:

  • A Final Version of Your Personal Brand Guidelines – A clearly defined personal brand overview – including Identifiers, Mission, and Bio – that affirms the best parts of who you are now and sets the framework for who you want to become.
  • Marketing Action Plan – A streamlined, easy to follow, authentic promotion plan to help you confidently act on and promote the personal brand we’ve discovered together (created for YOU, by me). This will include a detailed website map and custom social media strategy to reflect your new personal brand.
  • Audit + Detailed Recommendations for Two Business/Branding Assets of Your Choice – Suggested assets: resume and website, but it’s up to you! (Also, option to add in a full resume rework & optimization to reflect your new personal brand by yours truly for just $150.)

But let me be clear…

I call this program an “intensive” for a reason! You’re going to have homework and discovery action items to do. I’m going to encourage you to think deeply… And it’s going to make you feel AWESOME to make these discoveries and own these truths, I promise!

So, after hearing all of that, let me ask you:

If you could have an expert come in and help you strategically craft a memorable and 100% percent unique personal brand story that you could confidently use to promote yourself… is that something you would want?

If you’re like the hundreds of individuals I’ve already spoken with (and worked with!) on this program, then your answer is very likely… “hell yeah!”

What Others Have to Say About This Program

“Working with Alyssa helped ME become more clear on what my goals were as an artist, and how I want to reflect that in my business.

What I liked about working with Alyssa was her approach. I really liked the format she presented and working with her one-on-one. I liked how she had worksheets and questionnaires. That really helped me to look at what I do objectively, because as a multi passionate artist, I definitely have felt attached to all the things that I do. But my whole goal with working with Alyssa was to really get focused and centered. So together, we worked to build my brand and tell my story. We also worked on strategic ways to market my services as well as effective ways to use social media.

My favorite part of working with Alyssa, or the favorite outcome was the re-launch of my website. After doing all the questionnaires and worksheets and looking at my previous website, she gave me a great plan on how to reformat my website to serve me, tell my story and make it clear how clients can work with me. And I think before that, I didn’t have that. My website was more of, “This is what I’m doing, this is what I’ve done before,” rather than really telling a story to help drive clients.

I also recommend working with Alyssa because she’s an artist as well. So, if you’re an artist who is trying to figure out how to be in the business of making art, creating art, or you’re a multi-passionate, and you want to figure out how all these things go together, she’s the perfect person to do that.”

-Alyssa J., Artist, Educator & Creator

Watch Alyssa’s full testimonial video of her experience here!

How to Get Started

First things’s first – if you’re interested in this program, you can:

  • Send me a personal message if we’re already in contact
  • Email me directly at
  • Or schedule a quick call with me right here

Either way works for me.

I will tell you up front, the cost of this program is $1450

However… I understand that a single payment of that size is not attainable for everyone right now, for whatever reason, so I am always happen to offer payment plans for this program.

Bottom line: if you are feeling like this personal branding bootcamp is for YOU, we’ll make it happen!
Deferred Payment Plans

You have the TIME to figure this out right now – to create a level of understanding and self-awareness that will change your life. And I want to make that available to you. 

And I want you to understand something right now, and hear me when I say this:

You deserve this program.

You deserve this level of clarity and understanding about WHO you are, and what you bring to the table.

You deserve to know, with 100% confidence and certainty, how to tell your story to others. 

My life changed when I created this level of clarity for myself – when I crafted my OWN story (instead of letting others decide it for me), took control of my narrative, and began promoting and sharing it with confidence. 

And yours will too. 

I can’t wait to help you discover your unique personal brand… let’s get started. 

Make Your Program Payment Here, and Let's Get Started!

Option 1: Pay in Full (1 Payment of $1450)

Option 2: Spread Your Investment Out With 6 Monthly Payments of $245

Option 3: $20 Downpayment and We’ll Work Out a Custom Payment Plan

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