Best Workouts for Busy Women
Working out… it’s something we all KNOW is important, and yet when time gets crunched, it’s one of the first things to go.
And we all know this shouldn’t be the case. We’ve been told the benefits of working out regularly over and over again.
We know that working out relieves stress, leads to increased happiness levels, and of course has the obvious benefits of weight control and fighting health conditions.
But even still, on our busiest days, even squeezing in a 30 minute workout seems impossible.
Well, never fear, ladies.
I’ve rounded up a list of solid, time-efficient workouts (“solid” meaning you’ll feel like you *actually* did something when you finish) for those days when you just really don’t think you’ll be able to make it to the gym.
Studies have shown that even 20 minutes of cardio, 3-5 days a week is optimal for staying in shape. And think about it, even on the days when you’re sostressedyoujustmightdie, you can spare 20 minutes, right? (Plus, think of how much better you’ll feel afterwards! A 20 minute break may be just what you need to refocus and rejuvenate).
Here are my favorite workouts for busy women – they all take 30 minutes or less!
1) Blogilates
Total time: 28 minutes
I’ve been a big fan of Cassey Ho and everything she’s been doing at Blogilates.com for years now. But when she started creating PIIT (Pilates Intensive Interval Training, a play off the popular “High Impact Interval Training”) videos, they quickly made their way into my go-to workout list.
In summary, these 7 minute videos are comprised of 7 exercises, both cardio (like lunge jumps or plank jacks) and strength (like plank holds, push ups, and much harder stuff!). You do each exercise for 45-50 seconds, depending on the video, and then rest for the remaining time in the minute. Then you move on to the next minute’s exercise.
Cassey’s videos go through the exercise circuit and she does them all with you, providing encouraging words along the way. Once you complete the video, you repeat it 3 more times, thus creating a full 28 minute routine and getting a hell of a workout to boot.
Bonus: If you’re REALLY in a time crunch, you can just do the videos twice (for a 14 minute workout) or three times (for a 21 minute workout). And who doesn’t have time for that?
These PIIT/HIIT workout videos vary from focusing on specific muscle groups (like arms, abs, posture/back, etc) to overall fat-burning or cardio intensive orientation. Here are some of my favorites:
–Intense Ab Burn PIIT
–Strong Like Wonder Woman Workout – PIIT28 Fat Burning Exercises
–Train Insane HIIT Workout
–Exercises to Grow Taller, Improve Posture & Get Lean | PIIT28 Supergirl-Inspired Workout
2) 9 Round Cardio Kickboxing
Total time: 30 minutes
Wooooeeee. Talk about getting the most bang for your buck. 9 Round Cardio Kickboxing is a relatively new fitness franchise that promises you’ll get “stronger in 30 minutes.”
Here are the deets:
– 9 Round workouts are comprised of 9 rounds of kickboxing circuit training. You move around the gym doing each circuit for 2:30 minutes “on,” 30 seconds of “high impact,” and 30 seconds of active rest as you transition to the next round.
– There are NO class times – you simply show up whenever you want and start on your own time. The 3:30 minute timer runs continuously all day, so you can just start at the top of the next cycle.
– There’s about $100/month membership fee (depending on which package you choose), for unlimited classes. You could go once a week or every day for the same fee.
– There’s ~$100 signup fee, which pays for your equipment: your own pair of boxing gloves, hand wraps (which you’ll need to stabilize your wrists and protect your knuckles), and a heart rate monitor.
– Heart rate monitors are used during the class in tandem with a TV screen that shows your “zone” (similar to Orange Theory). Trainers closely monitor and enforce you staying in the “yellow” zone – which creates optimal cardio training and fat-burning conditions.
– You will 100% feel like a badass during/after taking these classes (that’s a bit of an editorial detail, but hey, it’s true!)
There are over 600 locations across the United States. One just opened near my house in San Diego – I’ve been going for a little over a month now, and I’m LOVING it. Plus, I’ve already noticed a difference in definition in my arms and back. Check to see if there’s a location near you here.
3) Yoga
Total time: 30 minutes
If you’re anything like me, what you’re thinking right now is, “Yoga? I don’t have time for yoga! I need something high impact to fit into the limited time I have for working out.”
And if you’re anything like me, you will inevitably have someone tell you, “that’s exactly why you need yoga, Alyssa.”
The meditative benefits of yoga are exactly what busy people need. Meditation provides an energy boost that doesn’t compare to the one you get from coffee or Red Bull.
Doing yoga doesn’t have to mean hauling your mat (and self) to a yoga studio, and sweating through an hour+ long class with 30 other people and a physical instructor.
Instead, try exploring yoga as a workout and a meditative practice in the comfort of your own home. Check out Yoga with Adriene – Adriene is an actress, yoga teacher and entrepreneur from Austin, Texas, and she has probably 100+ videos on her website & YouTube channel for any sort of yoga you want to try, and for specific needs (such as “Yoga for Travel,” “Yoga for Weight Loss” and more).
Not sure how exactly to get started? Take her 30 Days of Yoga Challenge.
No matter what, any time you spend working on your personal fitness, whether it’s 5 minutes or 50, is time well spent.
Do you have any favorite go-to workouts for when you’re in a time crunch? Share in the comments!
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