Alyssa Writing in Chair

Why You Need to Discover Your Gifts

We all have gifts.

We have have unique, individual talents that were bestowed upon us, that help us achieve our fullest expression of joy and radiance. And these gifts, in combination with our other strengths, aptitudes, and passions, combine in a beautiful way that only WE can give life to.

This is something I believe deep in my soul (and that guides a lot of the work I do here at Poised & Professional).

But discovering our gifts, and – even more importantly – using them, isn’t always an easy journey. 

Recently, I have been reading “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown (which I highly, HIGHLY recommend), in which Brown focuses on her study of individuals who embody what she calls “wholehearted living:”

“Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. IT means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough…” 

Brown shares ten “guideposts” that her research brought to light about these individuals she studied – qualities they possess that allow them step into wholehearted living on the daily. One of these guideposts is “Cultivating Meaningful Work.”

Through her research, Brown discovered that the idea of “meaningful work” and using your gifts are deeply interconnected (along with spirituality, interestingly enough!)

Here are three of my favorite (and in my opinion, most important) takeaways on why it’s important to discover and use your gifts, supported by Brown’s research.  

1. Using Your Gifts Brings You Joy

When we use our gifts – the talents that we possess – it brings us a sense of joy. It feels GOOD to feel good at something – to recognize that we have a skill or ability that not everyone else has, and to let ourselves enjoy the practice of unleashing that skill. 

So – if you want to be happy, DO the things you excel at! Give yourself permission to be good.

If you have a beautiful voice, don’t just sing – SHARE your voice with others.

If you are a natural leader – find a way to LEAD.

If you are a talented photographer – take the photos! 

In summary: if you consciously invest time and energy in doing the things that you are gifted in – you will live a more joy-filled life!

2. Using Your Gifts Brings You a Sense of Fulfillment

As Brown says in “The Gifts of Imperfection:”

“We all have gifts and talents. When we cultivate those gifts and share them with the world, we create a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives.”

When we’re able to create a connection between our personal gifts and some vehicle of service to others, it’s the clearest path to a sense of personal fulfillment.

And this doesn’t necessarily need to be your job. It may manifest that way for some people – whose 9-5 job aligns with their gifts and talents and can provide that sense of “meaningful work” for them – but it doesn’t have to. 

There are so many ways to apply our gifts and talents and share them with the world around us, whether it’s income driven or not. The important thing is to find the expression that brings the most fulfillment for you. 

And more so, when we don’t use our gifts – when we squander the gifts we have been given – it brings distress to our lives! Put another way – not using your gifts takes a negative toll on our physical and mental well being. 

In summary: if you’re searching for a greater sense of purpose in life, look to your natural gifts and talents. 

3. Using Your Gifts Brings You a Sense of Connectedness

Perhaps the most surprising connection between gifts and meaningful work that Brown discovered in her research (at least to me), is that using our gifts ties us into a greater sense of connection with the world around us. And there is certainly a spiritual aspect to this connection.

No matter what sort of higher power you believe in (if you believe in one at all), it’s safe to say your gifts and talents were bestowed upon you in your creation.

And for that reason, expressing these gifts and talents helps us feel a sense of connection with other created beings and the world around us. 

As Brown puts beautifully:

“Most of us who are searching for spiritual connection spend too much time looking up at the sky and wondering why God lives so far away. God lives within us, not above us. Sharing our gifts and talents with the world is the most powerful source of connection with God.” 

In summary: if you’re feeling disconnected, alone, or lost in this great big world, look to your gifts.

How to Discover Your Unique Gifts & Talents

If you need some help discerning your own gifts and talents, you can get started by downloading my “What’s Your Reason for Being” Assessment here!

With this downloadable assessment, you will

  • Learn the 4 key questions you must answer to start discovering your purpose
  • Identify your unique blend of talents, strengths and gifts
  • Discover patterns that already exist in your life to help you understand what you’re meant to do in this world

Download it here!

Free Assessment: What's Your Reason for Being?

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