calm morning bare minimum monday

What is “Bare Minimum Monday?” (And Should You Give It a Try?)

I was scrolling through Instagram the other week (as one does), when I came across a post that a friend had shared, introducing the idea of “Bare Minimum Monday.” From the name alone, I was intrigued… and you probably are, too! So what exactly is Bare Minimum Monday and how does it work? Here’s what you need to know.

What is “Bare Minimum Monday?”

Bare Minimum Monday is an approach to Mondays that is intended to minimize the anxiety and stress that accompany the start of a new workweek – emotions that are often felt most strongly on Sundays (sometimes referred to as “Sunday Scaries“). This approach gives the user freedom to only do “the bare minimum” of what NEEDS to be accomplished on Monday, in addition to “whatever else they want to do.”

One of the aims of “Bare Minimum Monday” is to combat hustle culture (the idea of doing more = value or worth), and instead normalize balance and a slow, steady workflow. 

Benefits of Trying “Bare Minimum Monday”

There a MANY benefits to trying out Bare Minimum Monday:

  • Less anxiety on Sunday from knowing “work” is coming tomorrow
  • A general feeling of lightness on Monday, versus a feeling of pressure to execute and “produce”
  • Increased productivity by focusing solely on most important and necessary tasks
  • Feeling more attuned to your own mental state and needs
  • More positive, optimistic outlook on the day
  • Decreased risk of burnout and work-related stress

How to Execute “Bare Minimum Monday”

The great thing about “Bare Minimum Monday” is the lack of rules surrounding how it should be executed (and the lack of focus on “execution” at all).

To try Bare Minimum Monday for yourself, here are some helpful guidelines:

  • Wake up at a time that feels right (don’t force yourself to wake up early to “get a jumpstart on the day”). Easing into the day is the goal.
  • Refrain from checking email OR social media first thing in the morning (this will help you stay focused on yourself and out of a reactive state to others’ inputs)
  • At some point in the morning hours, identify 1-4 “must do” tasks for that day. What HAS to be done today? (Hint: This is usually a lot less than you think!) 
  • Go about your day, with the intention of completing the must-do task(s) at some point, but mostly focusing on what you need to do to take care of yourself that day
  • After completing the “must do tasks” – you have freedom to do WHATEVER else you feel like doing. Some days that could be more work! Some other days it could be reading a good book, getting in a good workout, taking yourself out to lunch (or all of the day).

And that’s pretty much it! The true focus of Bare Minimum Monday is your own mental health and wellness – giving yourself space and a sense of calm to better navigate your first day back to work for the week. Get started with these guideposts and adjust for yourself based on what feels right.

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