How to Be Happier – Every Day
In our busy days (weeks and months), it’s easy to think of happiness as a luxury.
But happiness doesn’t have to be a luxury. Happiness can be a habit. It can easily be something that we include in our day-to-day lives. It’s 100% within our control whether we choose to do things that make us happier, better versions of ourselves, or whether we let others dictate how we spend our time.
How to Be Happy
It’s easy to forget what makes us happy. We get so caught up in doing the things that we have to do – work, school, maintaining relationships, making money, and EVERYTHING else – that we forget about the things that we want to do. The things that bring us joy.
So make a conscious effort to remember them.
If you want to be happier every day, the best place to start is by creating a “Happiness List.” Take a few minutes to write down what makes you happy – what you truly enjoy. What do you enjoy doing? Seeing? Reading? Hearing? Write it all down.
The next step is a bit harder. Take a look at your current day, whether it be your planner, your to-do list, your calendar, or just thinking ahead to what you have going on, and evaluate: “Are any of the things I just wrote down on my happiness list on my to-do list today?”
If not, figure out a way to fit one of them in… right now! It may sound trite, but life is too short to NOT make time for the things that make you happy. Jen Sincero, the author of the best-seller “You Are a Badass®: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life” shared this quote the other day:
You are not a slave to your life; you are in CHARGE of your life! You are the leading lady of your own life – so act that way, and do the things that make you happy. Make time for them – every. day. No excuses. Even if the thing that makes you happy is dancing around your bedroom in your underwear – you can make time to do that for 5 minutes today, right? If you can spend 5 minutes (or more, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram), you can spend 5 minutes doing something that you love.
How to Be a Happier Person
Simply put: If you want to be a happier person, you need to make happiness a priority in your life. And you know what else?
Happiness is the KEY to confidence.
Doing the things that make you happy will fuel you soul, and give you fulfillment, joy and confidence.
Getting clear about what makes you happy and makes you feel the most like the most kick-ass version of yourself will advance you leaps and bounds on the past towards becoming your most confident self.
So if you’re wondering how to be happy, the answer is simple:
1.) Identify the things that make you happy
2.) Do them (at least one of them) every day.
Do these two things, continually, and find the happiness that you deserve. That’s how to be happy in life, every day.
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