6 Winter Self-Care Ideas to Try Today
It seems like everywhere you look these days, there’s some new article or Instagram post about “self-care.”
And thank goodness! Self-care is important, you guys. Arguably, it’s one of THE most important ways to spend your time. You know that instruction on pre-flight safety announcements that in case of air pressure changes in the cabin, you should “adjust your own mask” before adjusting someone else’s? That applies to self-care too. Bottom line: you need to take care of yourself to be able to take care of others.
And frankly, it’s nice to take time for yourself every once in a while. It’s also really freaking underrated, if you ask me.
So whatever “self-care” means to you, by all means, INDULGE. If it’s working out, getting a massage, watching Netflix for 8 hours straight in your pajamas… you do you.
And since it’s now winter, a season that lends itself well to cozying up indoors and focusing on restoration, I want to share six fun self-care ideas for these cold, winter months.
1. Put on a skin care face mask & read a magazine
We could all stand to pay a little more attention to our face – after all, it’s your first impression, and if you’re going to invest time and money anywhere, your face is a great place to do it. And whether your skin is dry, oily, in need of some detoxing, or anything else, it’s easy to find some type of mask to suit your needs.
I recently picked up (and highly recommend) this Lapcos Sheet Mask variety pack, which has a mask for every need. Want some extra moisturizing power? Check out the “Milk” mask. Want to suck the impurities out of your face? There’s a “Charcoal” mask for that. Allow yourself the 15-20 minutes the mask requires, and give yourself a personal time out in the name of skin care.
2. Light a seasonal candle and read a book
I could have stopped this recommendation at “light a seasonal candle” because they just smell so darn delicious, but to make this self-care idea a double whammy, I’m pairing it with reading a book (fiction or a nonfiction, self-help book. Maybe that’s even better!)
Lately, my self-improvement read of choice is “Presence,” by Amy Cuddy, which I’m in the process of finishing up. I’ve already praised “Presence” multiple times on this blog (like here and here and even here), but I have yet to actually finish the book, so that’s one of my goals this month. I’ve also been hearing incredible things about “Girl Wash Your Face,” so that one is next on my list. Has anyone read it?
3. Try a bath bomb
For whatever reason, I discovered the healing powers of bath bombs way too late in my young adult life, but now that I have, there’s no turning back. They’re fun to use (fizzy!), and you can seek out specific bath bombs for what you’re looking for, such as relaxation, muscle soreness, sleep-aid, or even glitter! Lush is your best friend here.
4. Go for a mindful walk outside
Depending on the exact temperature outside, if it’s reasonable to go outdoors, take advantage of the brisk weather and get outside for a walk. I’m all for indoor self-care practices, but don’t underestimate the power of fresh air to restore and recharge the body.
Leave your phone and earbuds at home, and aim to walk outside for 10-20 minutes with no technology. Just take in the sights and sounds around you, and address the thoughts that come up as you walk.
5. Make a gratitude list
Although the holiday season of Thanksgiving and Christmas has passed, gratitude is always in season. Embrace it by bringing awareness to all that you have to be grateful for in life.
I’ve talked about this before, but a great way to do this is by getting in the habit of writing on daily gratitude lists. Either in the morning, or right before you go to bed at night, get out a journal and write down a handful of things you are grateful for. They can be little things (like that you had a good hair day today? Yes!) or big things (like your health and family). It doesn’t matter. What matters is calling out a few things in your life that you are genuinely and truly grateful for.
Making gratitude a habit will pay off in a big way for your self-esteem and confidence.
6. Plan a trip
Winter is a great season to plan a weekend getaway. Even if you’re not able to break away until the spring or summer months, the act of planning a trip releases feelings of excitement and expectation, and gives you something to look forward to.
Take some quiet time alone and think: where have you always wanted to travel to? Sit down with some friends or your significant other, and daydream about somewhere you can travel to. Or, plan out some solo travel! There’s no time like the present to check off those bucket list items.
What are your favorite go-to self-care ideas?
Header photo by Adriana Zuniga-Williams
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