5 Power Poses to Kickstart Your Confidence
Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past few years, you’ve probably heard about the idea of “power poses.” To put it simply, power poses are assumed body postures that are designed to help you feel more powerful. By assuming a specific posture, your body helps to signal to your mind that you feel confident, empowered and READY for whatever challenges lay ahead.
Arguably the most well-known power-pose is the “Wonder Woman” pose – strong stance with your feet apart, your chest and head lifted, and (of course) your hands on your hips.

But how do power poses work on a biological level? And do they work? Like really work? In this article, we deep dive all things “power poses” and explain how they help to kick-start your confidence (even when you’re feeling low), as well as give suggestions for our 5 favorite power poses.
How Do Power Poses Work?
The idea of “power poses” is most popularly attributed to Amy Cuddy, the author of “Presence: How to Bring Your Best Self to Your Boldest Challenges” (a book I reference a lot on P&P!), and a speaker behind the most popular TED Talk of all time. Cuddy has greatly popularized the idea that “power posing” can positively influence behavior.
But how does it work exactly? According to Harpers Bazaar, assuming strong, confident power poses “changes hormone levels in the body by increasing testosterone (connected with dominance) and decreasing cortisol (connected with stress).” So, in scientific terms: if you can achieve these hormone levels, then you are biologically primed to be more assertive, confident, and (maybe most importantly) relaxed.
Furthermore, when we act confident by assuming these postures, it tends to help us FEEL more confident. When we place our bodies in positions typically associated with dominance and power, we can’t help but feel a whiff of those things, even if it feels silly or artificial at first. It’s like the old saying, “fake it ’til you make it,” but in Cuddy’s opinion, it’s “fake it until you become it.”
Why Do Power Poses Work?
Of course power posing has an impact on how we feel internally and how we project ourselves to the world. This can improve how we feel about ourselves and the subsequent actions we take, but power posing also (and maybe more importantly) has an impact on the people around us – how we are perceived by others, and how they in turn communicate with and view us. In short: power poses work because they signal to OTHERS that we are confident, strong, powerful, in charge… even when we may not feel like it at first. Perception is reality.
Nonverbal behaviors are incredibly important signifiers and communication vehicles. Nonverbal behaviors influence inferences that other people make about us, and in the past, have actually been used to predict things like who gets promoted or hired for a certain job, and even election outcomes!
5 Power Poses That Actually Work
So how can you start actually using power poses in your life? And which are the most effective ones? Here are my favorite power poses to employ in your life to kick-start your confidence when you need it.
1. “The Salutation” – Arms outstretched and face towards the sun
This is one of my absolute favorite power-poses. To give it a try, firmly plant your feet, lift your chest and head, and outstretch both your arms, with palms and face lifted towards the sun. When it comes to taking up space, this is one of the most expansive postures you can assume, so it’s hard not to feel energized, powerful, and empowered after holding this pose for about 60 seconds (or more).

In addition, it was pointed out to me (in a marriage-prep class, actually), that in many religious cultures, this is also a posture of praise. So there’s something very freeing, but also very reverent about this posture, which makes it powerful at a higher level.
2. “The Victory” – Raising hands above head in celebration
Think about the last Olympics you watched on TV (or maybe the last sporting event). When an athlete wins a race, scores a goal, or experiences any other type of victory, a common physical reaction that you may observe is them raising their fists and arms above their head in celebration – I call this “The Victory” pose.

This pose is a natural reaction to feelings of victory and triumph. It’s a pose we may strike after experiencing feelings of power and victory, so it’s also a great move to reverse-engineer this process and assume a pose of victory to then CREATE those same feelings in the body.
3. “The LBJ” – Leaning slightly forward, often onto a desk or chair back
This pose works especially well in business scenarios, but really any situation where you need to internalize and exhibit feelings of power. If you’re standing, take a moment to find a nearby table or chair, and place your hands on the item while leaning slightly forward. This creates a dominant, slightly-intimidating-but-not-too-much posture. It immediately allows you to command a room and demand attention and respect.
Amy Cuddy actually named this pose “The Loomer” in tribute to former president Lyndon B. Johnson – “Johnson was 6’4″, and he used his stature very thoughtfully-to both intimidate and seduce,” she says.
Want more Power Pose suggestions? Check out this article from Inc that details 4 more great poses, including “The Obama” and “The CEO”.
4. “The Vanna White” – Gesturing with open arms

This type of power pose is great to put into action when you’re actually in the midst of some sort of event or social engagement, and you need to boost your confidence. Remember, the point of power poses is to empower you by accessing high-power postures, and taking up space is a great way to do that.
So, while you may not be able to outstretch both arms or assume “The Salutation” while you’re in the middle of giving a business presentation, you can still use elements of this pose by outstretching your arm(s) and using subtle gestures that make you take up more space. For example, put your arm onto a whiteboard that you’re referring to, or gesture towards a computer screen or someone else in the room – anything that you can do to outstretch your arms. Or, if you happen to be sitting down, put your arm out on the chair next to you (maybe not if someone is sitting in it, but hey, whatever floats your boat!).
5. Smiling
If you’re going for subtle, one of the BEST ways to instantly boost your mood and your confidence is smiling. Smiling can make you feel happy – it’s a form of “facial feedback,” which is a theory that assets that facial movement can influence emotional experience. So, when you smile, your body actually signals to your brain that you are feeling happy (which can then make you feel more relaxed, confidence, and all that good stuff!)
When to Use Power Poses
The great thing about power poses is that they can be used at ANY time to access feelings of confidence and power. Here are some common scenarios where power poses can aid you:
- Prior to an interview
- Prior to an audition
- Before giving a speech or presentation
- Before a tough conversation
- Right after you wake up and get out of bed each morning
Want to hear and see me demonstrate these poses? Check out this video!
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