How to Answer This Important Interview Question
“So…why do you want to leave your current job?”
It’s a question that will inevitably come up in any job interview. After all – it’s a logical ask! A prospective employer is going to wonder what brought you to their doorstep. And regardless of what your answer ACTUALLY is (like, “I hate my current manager” or “I want to be making more money”), there’s a right way to answer this question.
Here is a template for answering the popular interview question, “Why are you leaving your current job?”
How to Answer “Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job?”
The key to answering this question is to make it about yourself and not about your current employer.
So, my favorite answers for this question start with something like:
“I am looking to leave my current role because I need a new challenge…”
“I am looking to leave my current role because I feel like I’ve hit a growth ceiling there. I feel like I’ve learned all that I can learn with my current opportunity…””
“I am looking to leave my current role because I don’t believe there’s a path for me to continue to move up and achieve my goals of [insert whatever your goals are, especially as they relate to this new role. Ex: managing other people, pursuing a director level role, anything that directly correlates to what you’re applying for in this current role.]
You can see in all of those examples, your reason for leaving your current job has to do with your OWN needs, feelings, and goals. You can even skew your initial answer directly to the new role you’re applying for. For example:
“I am looking to leave my current role because I want to opportunity to contribute more and really make an impact at a new company.”
…This type of answer naturally sets you up for a transition into speaking about the role and the company that you are currently interviewing for. Continuing on in that same example:
“I’ve been looking for a role that allows me to take more ownership and contribute in a leadership role, which is what led me to this role with your company, and I’m excited about it for these reasons [X, Y, Z]. And I feel like I can contribute in these ways [X, Y, Z].
Make your value offering as it relates to the duties of the role very clear, and transition into speaking about your experience as it relates to the role (example: managing people, managing projects, getting things done, taking ownership, leading others and leading and growing a team. Whatever is applicable to YOU and your experience).
How NOT to Answer “Why Are You Leaving Your Current Job”
So, the rule of thumb for success in answering this question is to make it about you.
Meaning, do NOT answer this question by throwing your current job/manager/coworkers/company under the bus – do not make your answer about EXTERNAL factors. Do not say things like, “Well, I didn’t really see eye to eye with my manager there,” or “It’s a really toxic work environment and I need to get out of there,” even though that may very well be the case.
Instead, focus more on how you’re looking to grow in your own career, how you’re looking to contribute your skills and talents and experience to a new company and a new position that will allow you to grow as a result.
Make your answer about what makes you excited about this NEW role, and not why you’re eager to leave behind your current role. If you follow that formula, you’ll hit this answer out of the park!
Want more help preparing for difficult interview questions? Download this list of the 42 most popular interview questions to prepare yourself for ANYTHING the interviewer throws at you!
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