Why I Do What I Do
I get a lot of questions from friends, colleagues, and even total strangers on WHY I do what I do. Why did I quit my totally stable, high-paying full-time job to fully pursue a life of service? Why do I spend my time helping others to better their lives and create more meaningful work? When I could just as easily do something else (really ANYthing else) that would be easier?
Here’s Why
Well, here is EXACTLY why I do what I do: It is my personal belief that we ALL possess the potential to create our personal version of our ideal life – we just need to do the work to:
–Gain clarity on what that life is, and what it is that fulfills us & gives us a sense of purpose
-Eliminate fear and limiting beliefs that might prevent us from manifesting that life, and grow the confidence to fiercely pursue it
–Create goals and an action plan that will give us the clear path to making that ideal life our reality
–Maintain accountability to that action plan through a proven system – strategies that can get us back into a good energy so we can keep taking that action
And I believe it is MY purpose to assist others (specifically other women) to realize that potential in themselves, and to empower them to action and success.
Because I believe EVERYONE deserves to live a life they love. Because following your passions and pursuing purpose can CHANGE your life. I’ve seen it firsthand in my own life.
Because MY life totally changed when I made the switch from passive to active. From a being a human “doing” to being a human “living.” When I made the decision to live a life by design, and not a life by default, a whole new realm of possibility, and joy, and fulfillment opened up to me.
There’s something really special that happens when you CHOOSE to invest your time in the things that bring you the most joy, help you become your most sparkly and radiant self, and give you a sense of fulfillment of purpose – like you are truly using your gifts to make a difference in the world.
No one deserves to live a life without passion or meaning. That’s what I believe.
…So that’s why I do what I do!
Want to hear more about what exactly I do, and maybe how I can help you make a similar change in your own life? Schedule a free Clarity Call with me right here – I’d love to meet you and hear more about where you’re at in your life (and where you want to go!)

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