Deferred Payment Plans for COVID-19 – Now Available!
**Important Announcement for Those Whose Employment and Livelihood Was Affected by COVID-19**
Due to the financial strain that I know COVID-19 is causing for us all, I’m now offering deferred payment plans for my Personal Branding Consulting & Career Coaching services.
This means that no matter what you need help with, I will get started with you today for just $20.
Because here’s the thing: There’s a lot of HORRIBLE stuff about what’s going on in the world right now. We are in the midst of a global pandemic, and a lot of people are suffering, I acknowledge that, 100%.
But, there can also be opportunity in this time, if you choose to acknowledge it.
I know this is a stressful time. There’s a lot of uncertainty, a lot of anxiety, and a lot of fear about what could be coming next.
Because we’ve never been here before! This is all NEW territory. And it’s okay to feel the way you’re feeling right now (WHATEVER it is), because this is new territory for you, personally.
As we sit in quarantine in our homes, we feel disconnected and isolated, but also overwhelmed with information from the media at the same time.
But despite all of this – I encourage you to treat this time of quarantine (and perhaps, more time than we’re used to having) as an opportunity.
…An opportunity to spend time with family
…An opportunity to help others.
…And opportunity to reconnect with the people we care about.
…An opportunity to explore the projects and ideas we promised we’d get to “when we had time.”
…An opportunity to work on ourselves and reach new levels of self-awareness and authentic connection.
Because… why not? Yes, we can choose to see this time as one of stress and anxiety (because it freaking IS)… but why not also choose to see the opportunity & potential in it?
And sure – some days will be better than others. Some days we’ll feel like conquering our largest projects and FINALLY sitting down to do that THING we’ve been meaning to forever! And some days we’ll feel like laying nearly motionless under our weighted blankets and watching Netflix all day (I KNOW it’s not just me 😅). That’s okay too.
My point is – you owe it to yourself to try to see the opportunity in this situation. And to open your eyes to what could come out of it for you. Because it could be something amazing.
Which brings me back to WHY I’m offering deferred payment plans for my Personal Branding Strategy & Career Coaching services right now.
Because: You have the TIME to work on yourself. To figure out what you really want. To create a level of understanding and self-awareness that will change your life. And I want to make that available to you.
This means that no matter what you need help with, I will get started with you today for just $20.
…New resume? $20 deposit. 💵
…Developing a personal brand and business-building strategy that feels authentic and ACTIONABLE? $20 deposit. 💵
…One-on-one career coaching to help you use this time to find the RIGHT next #career move for you? $20 deposit 💵
I know these are tough times. Money is tight, and we could all use a little bit of help. And I don’t want “I can’t afford it right now” to be the difference between you feeling stuck and feeling like you’re USING this time to your advantage – to set you up for success in whatever way you desire.
Interested? Send me at email (to poisedandprofessionalblog@gmail.com), and we’ll figure out something that works for you.
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