Have you been searching for a new job and sending out dozens of job applications… but hearing crickets?

Don’t worry – it’s not you.

…It’s your resume.

Your resume is your first impression for prospective new employers. According to Business to Community, “the average time spent by recruiters looking at a resume: 5 to 7 seconds.

That means, if your resume is hard to read, unprofessional, or doesn’t position you in the BEST possible light for the job you’re going after, you’re setting yourself up for (you guessed it) crickets.

HOWEVER, there are a few key adjustments you can make to your resume to make sure that your value offering is clear, and your skillset and experience are as easy-as-possible for recruiters to review and evaluate in less than 10 seconds.

And I know it’s hard to see those adjustments on your own, which is why I want to offer a free audit of your resume! Simply fill out the form below, follow the instructions, and I’ll send you back 3 quick notes for easy adjustments you can make to your resume to help with clarity, ease of reading, and positioning.