How to Motivate Yourself to Go Into Work on a Bad Day
Everyone once in while, you wake up in the morning and it seems next to impossible to drag yourself into the office. Maybe you’re feeling generally unmotivated, maybe you had a bad day the previous day, or maybe the unthinkable has just happened in the world news, and your country has just elected the world’s biggest bonehead for president…
But you can do this. Eight hours, even on your worst day, is doable. Here’s a few tips from P&P on how to motivate yourself and make it through a full day when you really don’t feel like it.
Wake up early
When you’re feeling down, your first inclination will be to sleep and wallow. Take it from us: don’t. If you wake up ~2 hours before you have to be at work (instead of waiting until the last minute), you’ll be able to enjoy some extra time for you. Fit in a quick workout, catch up on some inspirational reading, or, if you’re feeling extra motivated, journal or meditate; whatever it is that makes you feel at least a little bit better, take that extra time for you, and you’ll help start your day off on the right foot.
Schedule something (anything) for after work
Nothing helps the day go by faster than knowing you have something to look forward to (or at least a non-work activity) waiting for you at the end of the day. Whatever that it may vary — whether it’s grabbing drinks with a friend, getting a pedicure, catching up on your DVR, or anything else that makes you happy, schedule it early in the day.
Stay busy
The best way to stay distracted from your problems on a bad day is to stay busy. Is there a menial task you’ve been putting off? Maybe some data collection or reporting? Pop on your headphones, crank up the Beyonce, and dive in. These types of “mindless” but neccessary tasks will be your best friend on a busy day.
Talk to people
Although data-heavy tasks may be your best friend, it will do you some good to take frequent breaks from your computer and actually get some face-to-face interaction. Whether that’s chatting with coworkers over lunch, calling your friends or family during a break, or seeking out some other coworker communication, talking with other people will help get you out of your own head and keep you distracted from the issue at hand (see previous section).
Stay positive
Even though things may seem bleak, the most important thing you can do it keep your head high and stay positive. A bad attitude never made any situation better. Take it upon yourself to be a positive source of change in your workplace– bad attitudes are contagious, but the same can be said for positivity. As the saying goes, “be the change you wish to see in the world”
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