How to Get to Email Inbox Zero Every Day

How to Get to Inbox Zero (or Close to It) Every Day

Ah inbox zero. It’s a vision that some of us can only dream of.

But this dream can become a reality with the help of a few handy tactics to improve your focus, productivity and efficiency. There’s a simple formula that will help you organize and prioritize all the emails that land in your inbox, and set you up for success on a daily basis. The formula is: RADD. And it really is rad(d)! Don’t believe us? Check out the methodology below:

R – Respond. For all the emails that come through your inbox, there will be a few that you (personally) will need to respond to. These should be taken care of as soon as possible within your window of checking email — which is another email “hack” to consider implementing. By setting 2-3 blocks throughout the day where you schedule in time to check and respond to email, you’ll be able to consolidate your email work and stay out of your inbox to eliminate distractions.

After you “respond” to an email, either delete it (if no further action is needed) or file it in a folder so it’s out of your inbox. Rule of thumb: even if “inbox zero” truly isn’t feasible, you should strive to keep your inbox in single digits. If you have over 10 emails, chances are at least of a few of them can be filed or addressed using the RADD method.

A – Assign. For a request or task that you need more time to process or work on, handle it immediately by assigning it to yourself. We recommend adding it to a to-do list or setting up a task in your task management tool or calendar. If you don’t attach a date to it, or block off time where you’ll address, the email is as good as unread.

D – Delegate. Delegation is your best friend when it comes to managing your email inbox, as well as your daily to-dos. Sit down each morning and decide on the tasks that you are responsible for, and only you can execute to their full need. After you’ve decided on these key tasks, go through you inbox and delegate as much as possible. Prime candidates for delegation are emails that have been sitting in your inbox for over a week — chances are someone else can get to these before you can. Clearly if they’ve been sitting around for that long, you have more important things to work on! Delegation is all about using your time responsibly and efficiently.

D – Delete. Everyone’s favorite method of handling email– If an email you receive doesn’t merit a response, doesn’t need further action from you or anyone else, delete it (or file it into an appropriate folder).

How to Get to Inbox Zero (or Close to It) Almost Every Day

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