Ask P&P: What’s the difference between purpose and passion?
Purpose and passion are both big topics of interest around these parts. We certainly talk about them a lot… and it’s easy to use them interchangeably. But, in my opinion, there is a difference between the concept of “passion” and the concept of “purpose,” although they are most definitely linked.
Your passion is the thing that you love to do MOST in this world. Maybe you have more than one, but your passion is so meaningful to you that in theory you could spend all day doing it and be totally, completely happy. Your passion brings you endless joy and contentment.
Your purpose is your “reason for being.” It is the culmination of your passions, and the impact you want to make on the world, which it why it drives you forward and keeps you motivated, fulfilled, happy, and of course, confident.
Your purpose is altruistic in nature. Some people may argue that their purpose is something like “to make a lot of money” or “to become a best-selling author.” That’s not purpose. Those are goals. Purpose is unique in that it is attached to making the world a better place – to leaving a positive mark.
(In case you’re wondering, the definition of altruism is: “the principle and moral practice of concern for happiness of other human beings and/or animals, resulting in a quality of life both material and spiritual.” Altruism and purpose are inherently linked).
Our purpose is ultimately what fuels us as multi-dimensional human beings. At some level, we want to make a difference – we want to know that our actions are making an impact.
So your purpose, whatever it is, must be something that positively impacts others.
You can use your passion(s) to help you find your purpose (that’s a big cornerstone of the “What’s Your Reason for Being” exercise), but as you can see, these concepts are slightly different.
Here’s my big key for knowing the difference between your purpose and your passion: Even if you did your passion ALL day long… would you still feel like you need to give back somehow?
For me, this is how I understand the difference between purpose and passion.
Even if I became the most successful actress in the WORLD – if I was making millions of dollars and starring in movies and dramas – I still would feel a greater pull towards helping others, specifically to helping other female creators achieve their vision of success. It’s important to me because it’s the outlet through which I feel I am able to help others. And that’s the meaning of life, in my humble opinion.
Do what you love, and help people.
The formula for happiness and fulfillment in life doesn’t get any simpler than that!
Want to get started on your own path to discovering your purpose? Download the free “What’s Your Reason for Being” assessment, and learn how to use your passions to create a fulfilling, meaningful life.

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