How to Start Using the Law of Attraction in Your Life
What would you say if I shared with you that there was a “secret” that’s been around for thousands of years that can help you get EVERYTHING you want in life?
Sound too good to be true? Well it’s not!
This “secret” is real, and it’s very, very powerful. So powerful that thousands (maybe millions) of people have learned how to tap into it, and leverage it for incredible success in life.
The secret that I’m referring to is “the Law of Attraction.” It’s the concept behind the world-famous movie and book, “The Secret,” and employing the Law of Attraction in your life is one of the most powerful moves you will ever make. Here’s how to get started.
What is the Law of Attraction?
In the most basic terms, the Law of Attraction is the power to turn our thoughts into our reality – to “attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on,” according to TheLawofAttraction.com.
In principle, whatever you think about will materialize and become your reality. So if you focus on negative thoughts and ideas, you will feel negative, and your life will remain negative. But, if you focus on positive thoughts, and your goals and dreams, you will find a way to create them in your life!
The Law of Attraction has a lot to do with your energy. When you are positive, you emit positive energy out into the universe, which makes it that much easier for opportunities and abundance to find you and help you achieve your dreams. You can start emitting positive energy (or “vibrations”) by focusing on the things that make you happy, and actively manipulating your thoughts to be more positive, which will then help you FEEL more positive.
In short: your thoughts create your energy, which creates your outcomes.
How to Start Using the Law of Attraction
One of the best parts of the Law of Attraction is that you can begin using it at any time. Here’s a step-by-step guide for putting the Law of Attraction to work in your life.
Step 1: Visualize
The first step to enacting the Law of Attraction in your life, and manifesting your dreams is to visualize them. Take the time to sit down and really, really think about what you want in life. Whether it’s your job, your relationships, your health, your family – sit down and really envision what your perfect scenario looks like. Be as detailed as possible. And write it down! This will help you get the most clarity on what success looks like for you, and what you are striving to manifest into your reality.
As is the case in many aspects of life (although many people forget this!), the first step to getting what you want is to ask for it. So sit down, envision your ideal life in detail, and make the ask!
One of the best ways to do this that I have found is by creating what I call your “Aspiration Statement.”
If a genie appeared in front of you right now, and said you had three wishes to create your perfect life, what would you ask for? Use the questions above to write 3-5 sentences describing your ideal life. When you finish writing these sentences, finish your paragraph with: “This is what I want. And I will achieve it.”
Want an example? Here’s mine:
“I want to make a living helping other women become the most confident, best versions of themselves, so they feel like they can take on the world, because the world NEEDS more women like this. I want to create my living in this way, so I have freedom over my own schedule to dedicate time to my family and my passion of performing. I want to be able to travel, spend time with my family, and cultivate a home life that gives me peace and fulfillment. I want to live in San Diego with my husband and my dog, and move overseas or to another state in the next 3 years.
This is what I want. And I will achieve it.”
Go through this exercise of specifying and asking for what you want, and write it down! Keep this paragraph close by. Or better yet, hang it in a place of prominence in your daily life.
Step 2: Believe
After you have gone through the exercise of detailing everything you want in life – your biggest goals and dreams – the next step is to believe that they will happen!
And this is probably the most difficult step for people to grasp when it comes to activating the Law of Attraction. Understandably so! But it’s so important.
Think of it this way: after you’ve done the work of detailing your dream life, release it out into the universe. Let it go. Believe that you have done the work to detail exactly what you want, and invite the universe in to make it happen for you.
There’s a great quote in “The Secret” that explains this concept:
“See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don’t fret and worry about them. Don’t think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.” -Robert Collier
Think of it like placing a food order at a restaurant – you decided what you wanted, you placed the order… now all that’s left to do is wait! You know your food is going to come eventually – there’s no need to doubt that it will. Approach your dreams and goals the same way.
Step 3: Receive!
The final step of activating the Law of Attraction is to receive the outcomes you have specified.
The best way to do this is by beginning to act – immediately – as if these outcomes have already happened in your life. Act as if you have received what you desire. Imagine how happy you would feel – how fulfilled and joyful – and begin inhabiting those feelings now.
And make these feelings specific to what you have asked for. If you want to manifest your dream house into your reality – go to open houses! Envision the exact house that you want, and imagine yourself living in it daily. Visualize what it looks like, and how you feel.
After a while, these feelings that you create within yourself will come to feel incredible real! And you will believe that you have received this outcome already – which will only expedite the action of acquiring it in your life!
Tips for Using the Law of Attraction
I’ve been reading the book, “The Secret,” and while there are so many incredible takeaways in the book on how to start using the Law of Attraction, one actionable tip I want to share to day is the idea of using “Secrets Shifters.”
The Law of Attraction is able to go to work for you when you are, in essence, living your best life: when you are happy, doing things you love, and sending positive energy out into the world. So the idea of “Secret Shifters” involves identifying some of those things that make you truly happy, and being able to use them to “shift” into a positive state of mind, when you catch yourself being negative or spreading negative energy around. If you catch yourself having a negative thought and realize that it’s not helpful, you can make the choice to use one of your Secret Shifter to change that and immediately make your mindset positive.
Secret Shifters are things that automatically put you in a good mood: reflecting back on a good memory, playing one of your favorite songs, calling a friend, doing something that energizes you, something that you know is immediately going to lift your spirits and push you in a positive state of mind. Usually, just that action is enough to flip the switch and shift your mindset from negative to positive. And the great thing is – the more you get in the habit of “shifting” to positive, the easier it will become!
The most important takeaway from the Law of Attraction is this: realize that you have the power to change your reality. If you re-orient your thoughts, your mindset and your feelings, and truly focus on the things that you want, and making them a reality in your life, you will be able to make it happen!
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