Daily Habits to Make Your Life Richer & Simpler

5 Simple Habits to Adopt to Make Your Life Richer (and Easier!)

Habits are so important. We all know that making something a habit is the best way to enact consistent, real change in your life. And even though sometimes habits get a bad connotation (like “breaking a bad habit”), in reality, they can do a LOT more good than we realize, even just through small, consistent actions.

Which is why today, I want to share five very simple habits that can really work magic in your life. And the best part about these habits is that they take less than 30 seconds! Read on to learn how to add these simple, but effective habits to your daily routine.

1. If it takes you less than 10 seconds – just do it. This rule single-handedly is the reason why my closet gets cluttered (or stays clean). It’s the choice between hanging up your clothes, putting away your shoes after you wear them, or tossing them on the floor. It takes probably 5 seconds do to, but if you neglect this habit over and over again, you end up with a messy closet that will take a whole lot of mental energy and time to tidy up!

2. Say “thank you” as soon as you wake up. In the book I’m reading right now, “The Secret,” there’s a fun habit that’s shared: every morning, as soon as you wake up, as one foot hits the floor, say (or think) “thank.” And as the other foot hits the floor say (or think) “you.” Starting your day with gratitude is one of the most powerful choices you can make to align your day for positivity, success and abundance. Choosing gratitude (even if it’s forced at 7:00 AM in the morning, or whenever you wake up!) sets an attractive intention for the day ahead, where you are proactively priming your mindset and your actions to invite goodness into your life.

3. Practice end-of-day positive visualization. Another trick I learned from reading “The Secret” is the practice of what Neville Goddard calls “The Pruning Shears of Revision.”

Here’s how it works: tonight, before you go to sleep, take 10-30 seconds and go through your day. Think of the events that unfolded, and any that did not go the way you wanted – then replay them in your mind in the way you would have LIKED for them to unfold. Actively recreate the outcome in a positive way, so that this becomes the memory that you have of the event. This will “wipe” negative experiences from your life at the end of each day, and prime you for positivity the next day and beyond!

4. Tell one person a day that you love & appreciate them. One of the most rewarding habits I have picked up lately is making a conscious effort to tell at least ONE of my loved ones that I appreciate them. In our busy lives, it’s easy to lose track of our priorities, and de-prioritize quality time with out friends, family, and loved ones. But thanks to technology – it’s so easy to just send off a quick text (or call!) and remind them that you’re thinking of them, and that you love them. And I PROMISE you, that you will never regret doing this. More often than not, when I text someone and tell them that I love and appreciate them, I get a response back like, “I really needed that today, thank you!” And it feels so good, not only to provide encouragement to that friend or family member, but also to know that you connected with them and brightened their day!

5. Write down your goals. Back in January, I got in the habit of writing down my big 3 goals for the year – every. single. day. And it has become a practice I now engage in daily, that makes a HUGE difference in my daily focus, motivation and actions.  Your goals should be your biggest drivers in life, and representations of your greatest ambitions and dreams. Writing them down every day ENERGIZES you, and helps you stay focused on the things you really want in life that are the most important to you.

If you need help SETTING those goals, check out this free “Set Your Goals” worksheet I created just for that reason. 

There’s a famous quote by Sean Covey that says ““We become what we repeatedly do.” Start creating some meaningful habits in your life – start with these five! – and watch how your life positively changes as a result

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