Celebrate Your Victories

Why It’s Important to Take Time to Celebrate Your Victories

As I write this, it’s Friday morning of a CRAZY week – I had 2 client deliverables due this week for a total of 20 hours, spent the week revising the final manuscript of my book for my editor, cranked out 10 articles, AND it just happened to be tech week for a show I’m in that’s opening… tonight!

I still have a few more things I need to get done today (these e-courses aren’t going to build themselves!), but I am proud of myself and the work that I’ve accomplished this week! Even though it was a crazy week, with late night and a decent amount of stress, I am content.

Part of the reason why I’m feeling so great is that even though I accomplished a lot, I was fully working in line with my priorities. I took care of myself this week, physically and emotionally, I spent some quality time with my husband (we put up our Christmas tree!), and caught up with some friends and family members.

And so I’m going to take some time to celebrate these victories. And I want to encourage you to do the same!

Today I want to talk about why it’s so important to take some time to celebrate your victories, no matter how big or small they are, and give you some tips on how to celebrate the victories in your own life!

Celebrating victories is a form of self-care

At the end of the day, taking the time to celebrate your victories is a form of self-care. And we all know how important self-care is, right? Self-care, or taking “me-time” to recharge, restore yourself, and practice self-love, is great for so many reasons. Mentally, it helps us unwind and decompress, and gives us some space for self-discovery. But self-care also has long-term output benefits as well: it helps us reboot our brains, improve concentration, increase productivity, and more.

Furthermore, when you take time for yourself, you’re able to improve your relationships with others as a result: when you take care of yourself, you subsequently become a better friend, spouse, significant other, sibling, coworker, and partner. It’s like that safety warning on airplanes: you must apply your own oxygen mask before helping others. Celebrating your victories is a way to acknowledge the good that you’ve done, and restore yourself mentally (and maybe even physically), which helps to improve your relationships and your overall quality of life.

Celebrating victories improves your self-esteem

When you allow yourself the time to celebrate your victories, and relish all that you accomplished (whatever that is!), you show yourself appreciation. So give yourself that pat on the back – you deserve it! Be proud of yourself.

Studies show that children who are repeatedly celebrated, and told they’ve done a great job, grow up with higher self esteem and aptitude to take on the world around them. And even though you’re no longer a child, you can still reap the benefits of this discovery. Celebrate your wins and tell yourself what a great job you’ve done – and see how great it makes you feel!

Celebrating victories primes you to achieve and do even more

When you take the time to celebrate your victories, you subconsciously prime yourself to continue to achieve more. When your achieve something great, and then further celebrate that achievement, you activate the “psychology of achievement.” which is when successfully completing one task triggers feeling of happiness in your brain. Biologically, your brain releases dopamine (the pleasure hormone) and you get a “rush” from achieving… which then motivates you to complete another task, and another task, and another task! So making the time to celebrate your victories has the long-term benefit for priming you to continue to achieve and succeed.

How to Celebrate Victories in Your Own Life

First thing’s first: figure out what feels indulgent to you. Figure out what you ENJOY, and what makes you happy. And when you feel that you’ve achieved something significant, whether it’s achieving a major goal, celebrating a win at work, or even a crazy physical accomplishment, like running a marathon: DO one of those things that makes you happy. Allow yourself the time.

Another great way to celebrate victories and reinforce feelings of pride and accomplishments is to verbalize your achievements. Say out-loud that you’ve accomplished great things today. Even something simple like “Wow, I did a great job!” or “That was a huge achievement!” can be enough to help affirm your own achievements – the same as you would pay a compliment to someone else!

So take some time to celebrate your own victories – you will reap the rewards mentally, and create a healthier, happier life for yourself.

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